Friends and Supporters of Forest Bridges represent members of the public who find merit in our mission, vision, and work for the O&C Lands of western Oregon. Having lots of friends and supporters demonstrates to policy-makers and the O&C Lands managers (BLM & USFS) the relevance of our inclusive grassroots collaboration and its proposals. Please join our growing and inclusive movement today by completing the form below.* We'll keep you informed of our progress on a quarterly basis and offer opportunities for you to sign onto our advocacy initiatives.
*We are committed to keeping the names and e-mail addresses of our Friends of Forest Bridges confidential. We do not sell, rent, or lease our contact data or lists to third parties, and we will not provide your personal information to any entity at any time unless compelled to do so by law.

(Note: While Forest Bridges does not ask Friends for financial support, donations are welcome to help fund our lean operational and program costs.)

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We can use your time and passion. If you share our vision of healthy forest habitats, inquire about how you can join the Forest Bridges team as staff or volunteer.

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